Fast Fix From Your Inner Child

This is a great tool for turning things around, if you are feeling down.

When we we’re kids things were simple. Now that we’ve grown up everything is insanely complicated. We can’t help but get run over by the things in our lives sometimes, hell, sometimes our lives back up and park on top of us.

The temporary “Fast Fix”

Think back to when you were little, think of your favorite things, sounds, places you went, and what really used to light you up inside.

I’ve used this method many times but I thought of sharing this today because where the concept came from, occured as I was demolishing a wall. It wasn’t coming out easy and I was tinking this sucks. Then off in the distance I heard a train horn and the sounds of a train. It immediately changed my mood, I LOVE TRAINS! when I was a kid I’d freak out everytime I saw one, I’m sure I drove everybody nuts because they’re everywhere where I’m from.

That’s one of mine here’s a quick list of some others:

Smells, sights, and places of yesteryear- Cotton candy the stand becomming a sticky mess, Eating sweetcorn at the fair, the fair, going to the candy store with my Grandpa Fleener (that’s a great one) fishing in the catfish pond, exploring, and countless others

There’s also fragrances people we love that have gone used to wear, soaps, detergents and cleaning products that bring a tangible presence.

Additionally, songs/sounds from when you were little, I play “I’d like to teach the world to sing” sometimes to time travel back to the 70’s or Gordon Lightfoot

I even put  “The Hugo Montenegro Orchestra” (Composer of The Good The Bad and The Ugly and Pink Panther) in on Pandora and it plays movie soundtracks. I can invision places in the films and in my life.

Youtube is good as well for old shows and cartoons

Make your own mental list and use it you’ll be amazed by the results!  Try what works for you find other methods, search yourself and go to a happier place and time

Good things to you, Jason

It’s Not All Rainbows and Sunshine!

Even I would want to puke if I thought for a second every minute of my life was exactly like my blog or post!

It’s an idea, a simple concept or thought to kick start my day, to encourage others, and put my brain in the right gear or change gears if you will.

I have had a extraordinarily difficult life (to me) as I’m sure many of you have in your own way. I’ve experienced divorce from both perspectives, being a misfit, close death, repeated failure, poverty, alcoholism, substance abuse, and mental illness.

There have been and sometimes still are days when it is all I can do to get out of bed and I drag myself heavy through the day trying to force feed myself happy thoughts and inspiration (trying to turn it around) some times it works others it doesn’t.

I also have been told I’m mean, and admittedly, I can be ornery and down right mean at times.

I still really don’t have a good filter. If it pops in my mind chances are it will come out of my mouth.

I do not think that I know better than anyone, I do think I know better than I used to and am amazed by some of what I’ve learned and do my best to practice those things. That’s what I present here thoughts and ideas that might help you or someone you know figure things out for themselves or adjust thinking and behavior patterns to obtain a better life and possibly prevent the loss or waste of any more time.

In conclusion, I’m human, and far from perfect just ask my wife Maribel, she knows.

I strive to improve, live better, love more, appreciate everyone, and everything on a daily basis

Live fully life is short, Jason

Being of Good Character

How to develop into who you really are, be your best, and exemplify true character

Be true to yourself

Be of genuine character,

Be completely honest- In all things, no lies, half truths or selective omissions of information

Constantly think of others- Place the needs of others before your own

Have integrity- Do what you say, and say what you mean

The remaining content is material I didn’t write but discovered in my search to be better, it goes with this line of thinking, has value, and I found it very interesting, especially in this day and age. There’s a site at the bottom where this and more may be found, I think children should be given “character classes” as part of their curriculum. I used this as part of a self evaluation and improvement study I’m doing on my own, enjoy your day and I hope you get the most out of your life, Jason


Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country


Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements


Do what you are supposed to do • Plan ahead • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others


Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly


Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need


Do your share to make community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment • Volunteer

– See more at:




Changing my thinking and my understanding of active alcoholism in retrospect

This may help you understand someone who is or was alcoholic in your life, or if you’re like me you’ll know you’re not alone.

Questions I had to ask myself in recovery that I’m sure would benefit even non-alcoholic/addict people.

Am I enjoying my life?

Are the things I’m doing, going to bring me the happiness and fullness of life I want for myself?

Am I in a vicious cycle?

Do I see what I can give in all circumstances or do I think what’s in it for me?

At work, is it about getting paid or the level of service I can provide?

Certain mindsets have a tendency to go with certain lifestyle choices.

In other words if I’m living a counter culture lifestyle abusing drugs or alcohol to the point in which I have to place unreasonable demands on others, it’s going to be a very complex life to manage and will depend on the tolerance of the people I depend on (parents, spouse, friend, employer, etcetera) and my ability to manage an unmanageable lifestyle. The normal cycle for us is that people let us down, fire us, kick us out and disown us. At least that is our perception (in part but we know we have a some part)

What’s normal for us can be very out of control. We live in a constant state of preparedness expecting the worst out of everything and everyone.

We miss things like work, school, anniversaries, birthdays, appointments, and being there for people when they need us, though that is not usually our intention.

We usually say things like “I do what I want when I want” or “who cares” or “whatever”. In an attempt to shrug the blame, guilt or consequence brought about by the expectations of others and from our actions

Truth is we really couldn’t help it, our condition (drunk or high) at the time prevented us from making a good decision or even remembering the event for that matter.


We don’t want anybody pointing the finger of blame at us or to be responsible for hurt feelings because A. We usually don’t understand what happened. B. We’re tired of explaining ourselves all the time. C. It harms us because we don’t want to hurt anyone and we become guilt ridden.

This is much more complex and has many variables, additions and subtractions. Ultimately, addiction or not, any time we reach a “point of change” in our life, we ask ourselves “What do I do now?”

What we all do is change something, usually its spouses, jobs or geography. Sometimes we try to modify habits and personality traits. Regroup, recreate, reinvent     “start over” “clean slate”

None of what was spoken about previously is really what’s causing our problems. The problem is, we put ourselves first in nearly all situations as a defense mechanism we protect our interests.

Some quick relationship examples are;

Parents; seldom do we address what kind of child we were, but we will tell you all about our parents’ faults.

In regard to our relations with the opposite sex, we have a tendency to look at how much they love us or satisfy our appetites.

Work is easy, it’s all about the Benjamin’s (pay) and status.

All of the previously mentioned have to do with our security, emotional, social and economic, and we do things based out of fear. Fear of any of those being affected or threatened as they often are, due to our lifestyle, thinking and overbearing actions.

The irony is, the measures we take, over time usually cause unbalance and eventual destruction of all of these elements.

Two things are certain I am always part of the problem and I’m always part of the solution!

“If I’m not part of the solution, I’m part of the problem”

People obsess, especially if we have a natural desire that is out of balance or threatened.

Example; We seek peace comfort and euphoria, we want to feel good, so we have a couple drinks, some drugs, sex or whatever satisfies our particular need.

I’ve learned in the proper relationship and balance these things used rightly can be good, a drink or two for social occasion or religious ceremony does no harm to the non-alcoholic. A doctor prescribing medication, and it being used as directed is safe for non-addicts, and sexual relations by design marital relations/procreation.

When anything is abused or used to excess it can be very destructive.

I believe what we seek is the euphoria and peace we are designed for which only God can provide.

Laying that aside for a moment, let’s address our thinking.

We project a false front or image (act), and our life is a series of hustles, scams, and manipulations, half truths, omissions, or outright lies. Primarily because we feel the real me is not likeable or cool enough we want to be seen as more or better than we think we are. The fundamental problem with this is, that somewhere down deep we feel inadequate, insecure, not good enough. I’ve heard it said that people with addictions have tremendous egos with a low self esteem

Who here has had the person in their life that always “just ran out of cigarettes” shows up at your house with a 6 pack and drinks a 12 pack? (The mooch) The person who’s got one just like the one you described but theirs is a little better.The one who’s never there when they say they will be and always has a lame excuse.

Have you ever told someone a story that wasn’t true and you could tell by the look on their face, they really didn’t believe you but you “didn’t care?”

We who have lived the lifestyle can spot that stuff from a mile away. They can tell themselves that stuff, but we won’t buy it. Most everybody can tell if someone is not completely honest and most everyone can spot a genuine and true character.

How many people here like hanging around with liars, how about thieves or cheaters? What about just generally negative people who are always a downer?

Exactly, most often all of us have the capacity to exhibit one or all these traits and I know from experience negative actions bring negative reactions.

I’m going to flip the script now and talk about how the change of mind works

Positive stuff Here.

The structure of recovery

Honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness

Abandon self, trust in God, Clean house, and work with others

I have done these things and continue to practice the principles of recovery in all of my affairs. If you want to experience fullness of life to the degree I do? Do what I did,

First I stopped drinking and using, I got help by going to 12 step recovery meetings I prayed every day, I asked somebody to be my sponsor that walked the walk, and I followed his suggestions. I continue to work with others.

My prayers in the beginning and the prayers I live today.

Morning- God, please keep me free from a drink or a drug today and guide my thoughts and actions? Night- Thank you God for keeping me free from a drink or a drug today.

Morning- God I abandon myself to Thee build with me and do as Thou will help me to be of maximum service to You and my fellows?

Night- I said I was sorry where I struggled or fell short, thanked God for today.

Morning -God use me as Thou will and please protect me from myself

Night- acknowledge where I fell short and said I’d try to do better with His help, Thanked Him for the day

Today, I say “Good morning God” most days and I am in constant contact with God throughout my day. I get on my knees every night and say prayers for others and finish with I don’t know what’s best, You know best Thy will be done Thank you God.

Guidance Prayers- Please put people in my life to help me stay clean and sober? Please help me be open-minded and willing to do anything to stay clean and sober?
Situations, positions, and things
If it is good for me allow me to have it, if it will do me harm please block it from me?
I pray for knowledge of your will for me and the power to carry it out? Please protect me from myself?

I hope you enjoyed the read, feel free re-post or share this anywhere you think it might help someone else, if you want help comtact me at               Jason

Out of The Comfort Zone!

I’ve had many behaviors, attitudes, and actions I put into place over a number of years to protect myself from being harmed.
These mechanisms eventually caused me more harm than they protected me from.
There’s a saying I heard that kind of goes with this line of thinking
“If you stick it out there, it may get cut off.”
Basically what it lends to is fear, fear of rejection, ridicule, or being ostracized and eventually lead me to isolation, eccentricity, and egoism.

I wouldn’t try to join or participate in anything.
I wouldn’t try to make friends
I’d be reluctant to go to social gatherings/events or engage in conversation.
I’d hold back that question (you know?) The one where you really want to know the answer but you’re afraid to ask because people might laugh or you might look like a dummy)
It was pride, ego, self-esteem, and insecurity.
False Evidence Appearing Real

Years ago my wife wanted to throw me a birthday party and I said “I don’t want you to invite a bunch of people over here” She said “We’re having a birthday party
My problem was, what if nobody shows up? I’d be hurt, so let’s not even “stick it out there”
Everyone that was invited showed up.
Things are much different today because I started doing things that made me uncomfortable.
Going to gatherings
Speaking to people (even publicly)
Reading aloud in a group setting
Asking the questions understanding there’s no such thing as a stupid question
Participating in functions
Joining in
Trying and accepting that I’m human and am not perfect but with practice and effort, I’m able to function at a higher level in all of the previously mentioned.
A wise man once told me (John Ludt III)
I can’t see the future, to put my crystal ball away, that I wasn’t a magic mind reader. I just needed to participate, allow things to happen and stop imagining all the the outcomes and “what if’s?”

The truths we know
You’ll never know if you don’t try!
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again!
Practice makes perfect!
Jump right in, the water’s fine!
You can’t dance with your back against the wall!
Have you ever sat inside looking out the window at the other kids playing and had your Mom tell you “Are just going to sit there all day and watch them or are you going to go out there and play?” And then make you go out there. I remember the feeling approaching the other kids, fearing rejection or ridicule. Most of the time I ended up having a blast! Regardless I was better for having the experience and interaction.

To you I say get out there and play, join in the fun winning or losing, playing is fun!

Thanks Mom, I love you, Jason


“Building and noticing worth”

You are unique in every way!
You have special gifts, and aptitudes which give you the ability to impact the lives of many people.
Your gifts recognized by you and used to the full potential will even greatly impact your own life.

I’ll make great effort today to put the most into it, so that I can get the most out of it. I will genuinely be concerned for the happiness and well being of everyone I meet. I will try to appreciate the roll they play in the cosmic machine and acknowledge their significance in the world or my life.

I apply this same thinking to my life and my various rolls, the impact each one has on others, and the overall significance of what I do.
It makes it worth while and turns the mundane into the extraordinary.

Put a positive spin on it!

These are some of my common practices and how this concept works.

One of my actual e-mail’s-
Background; I sent a pleasant e-mail to a person I would consider to be negative, asking a simple question not anticipating that she would fire some one else up first thing Monday morning. When I noticed the third parties reply I sent this

From: Byers, Jason
To: person from other department
Subject: Good morning

Sorry for the ambitious start this morning, I hope you have a Magnificent Monday Amanda!
I hope everyone you come in contact with today is in a great mood, gracious, and nice to you.

Thank you Jason! That is such a nice email to receive first thing and now I know my day will be magnificent!
I hope & wish the same for you! J

This is not the typical response, many times it’s “crickets” (I don’t get a response.)

I didn’t put it out for a response, I did it to genuinely encourage her to strive toward and look forward to a “magnificent Monday!”

It truly is the little things.
I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!


Emotional Trap

First of all let me start by saying I’m not a mental health professional.
Making the world a better place starting with me. Emotions that we experience can be great, even perceived negative emotion can be beneficial for healing, however there are times they are too much (high-high/ low-low and long lasting) I used to find myself down or in a bad mood and that would be as far as I got with any thought of it. Then I’d just try to shrug it off and move on. Conversely, I’d find myself over elated, nervous, or bouncing off the walls. Emotions can take hold if we allow them to and we can get stuck in a pattern (trap).
What I do differently is- I pay attention to how I’m feeling and then search out the why of it.
CIRCUMSTANCES of life or situation based
Illness, sudden change, death, loneliness, tiered, hungry, mental strain, job, relationships, and so on.
Empathy, negative, angry, depressed, bitter, and nasty people can affect us as well.
As obvious as it sounds the opposite of the problem is usually the solution. When this cannot be achieved the answer is acceptance and making the best of it or bringing as much good out of our example of living (overcoming or living contently with our problem)
Try to limit fellowship with negative people or help them become positive
Proper Perspective
First address why and then work on getting out of it by going through it. Pen and paper
Cause –
Can I change it-
Do I need to accept it

Gratitude list are very good also
What are you grateful for?
“The opposite of curse is blessing”

Empathy and outside stimulation
People, entertainment, hospitals, funerals, Facebook lol

If you’re depressed comedy is good.
Watch a “baby laughing video”
Funny animals, skits. Etcetera.
Laughter is truly the best medicine for most everything. Lack of physical activity, low lighting, sad people, sugars, stimulants and medications. Be mindful of what you put in yourself and the paths.
Eat, see,hear,feel

If you’re over elated or nervous
Is coffee, caffeine or sugar a problem
Noise or a bustling environment, even things like odors, smoke,and bright light can factor in.
Find a nice quiet spot and listen to nature or some soft music

The main thing is question the emotion and seek proper perspective.

“You’ve got to accentuate the positive and deliberate the negative and look out for Mr. In between”

This is a quote from Alcoholics Anonymous book pg.. 417

“And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.
When I am disturbed,
It is because I find some person, place, thing, situation —
Some fact of my life — unacceptable to me,
And I can find no serenity until I accept
That person, place, thing, or situation
As being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.
Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.
Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober;
Unless I accept life completely on life’s terms,
I cannot be happy.
I need to concentrate not so much
On what needs to be changed in the world
As on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.”

Make a difference!

Affect and change everyone’s day that you come into contact with. We have the power to eliminate negative thoughts by replacing them with positive thoughts.
Encourage all, see the value in others (what service they provide, all the good that comes from it). Identify people by name and thank them for being part of your day. “It’s good to see you” talk to you, I’m glad you’re here because you always make my day a little better.

Encourage and be encouraged
Give and receive gladness in giving