Tag Archives: #heartbroken

Death Comes Calling

I just died again, it’s the second time today. 

The familiar song you used to sing along just began to play 

At first a smile and a memory of you and your special way

My heart can’t take when the song is done, you are gone, and I feel all alone

Time stands still with the lump in my throat, I feel I could fall to the floor

I feel weak and my bones can’t support my body anymore, a million pounds they hold me down and no one can pick me up from the floor

I died again and it just plain sucks 

I pull it together and begin to move, standing I leave my heart on the floor

I start to work and I stop because the pain I cannot endure

I find my strength and start again working without my heart

Empty chest just move my feet this is how I start

Busy my hands and listen to tunes and try to mend my wounds

Nearly every day is like this and you are missed, the sucker punch or the knife plunges in with a twist

Almost every movie someone’s kid dies and I die again

Relive the moments I last saw you lifeless knowing I will not see you again

I can’t continue to write the tears in my eyes are too thick and I’ve worked myself up to the point where I feel sick. 

Love your children and hold them close for they really mean the most.